And to her, we say thanks.

Isabella Ciardelli
2 min readJan 25, 2021

The definition of a woman

wasn’t always who you and I are.

The definition of a woman was

him first, then us.

What many often forget,

is that an honorable few

never, ever gave up.

Told time and time again

to go back to where they belong,

these women fought tooth and nail

until they stung.

One of them, made of steel and glow

may have started backstage,

but quickly became the whole show.

To her we say thank you with a daughterly hug,

because little girls everywhere now

get to believe they can leave the world in awe.

She ran, she fought, and she even won

yet the divided states and the electorate

told her that simply wasn’t enough.

I gave her my first-ever vote on 2016

with a type of pride and joy

you can’t even gather to see.

Although it turned into a gloomy day,

I knew there was a reason in this country, I wanted to stay.

And so after 4 long years of pain and defleat,

on a bright and sunny November 3rd

he finally, oh finally, saw defeat.

So now here we are today

new year,

fresh air,

saying with pride, “Madame Vice President elect”.

To all the little girls out there

who dare to live a brighter day

just remember a woman of Black & Asian descent

now leads your way.

But we must not forget

as we celebrate this day

all the blood, sweat, and tears it took

to finally get our way.

Because Kamala wouldn’t have been on that stage

if Hillary,

among so many others,

hadn’t laid out the stairs.

